неделя, 18 октомври 2009 г.

Силата на дон Хенаро те погълна като вълна — каза той.

Го: "Но силата може да се посрещне само със сила." -- Дон Хуан към Карлос Кастанеда

сряда, 14 октомври 2009 г.


"In result of one of those ironies of life that continue to surprise us, although experience insists that irony is Fate’s most common figure of speech, ..."

a mind won was worth more than a life lost

for all that is change without progress

seemed to confuse standard of living with quality of life

“Oh, nothing important. I just wondered why you didn’t have any flowers in your garden.”
“There are three flowers.”
“Three varieties?”
“No. Three flowers. One to signal each of the seasons of bloom. We are between seasons now.

“Very well. But first… there was that question I had for you.”
“That rosé I had with dinner. What was it?”
“Tavel, of course.”
“I knew it!”
“No, you didn’t. You almost knew it.”